At Illegal Jack's South West Grill with X and D for some tacos, buritos and nachos.
I had some tacos and had 3 different meat in the 3 shells because I'm such a carnivore. I hate how the stuffings in my tacos run away whenever I try to sink my teeth in them. Haha I'm just a sloppy eater I guess.
I was so stuffed, I kind of felt sleepy after. I think it was either the dim lights or the overpacked stomach that caused the dozing off. It was a really good place to eat after a whole afternoon of strolling around with a 570g camera around the neck.
6 ₪ ø lll ·o.:
I'm a total messy eater when it comes to the tacos!
mmm the food looks delicious! it looks like you had a ton of fun!
what a lovely blog you have!!
and thanks for your sweet comment, appreciate it! ♥
Some great photos and lovely words. Many thanks! - Jack
Naww these photo's are so nice! That food looks yumo!
Lovely blog :)
YUMMY i want one now , i am so hungry :(
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