yeah, the fake's out

Because stretching my actual ear would just not suit me.

8 ₪ ø lll ·o.:

The Robyn Diaries said...

topshop and dotty p's have some cool gold ones like this too! x

niknok said...

Cool! Love those earrings!!!

The Niknok Style

Gela said...

coooool! i want one!

boat ride through the sky

Marita Bliss said...

Agreed. Stretching is a bit.. Ew. Hehe.
I second weasel, awesome ♥

Christina said...

Cool!! Will try to search for earrings like that. I hope we have it here.

Unknown said...


Zena Paige said...

Definitely going in my wish list! :D

Jasmine said...

not my style but i think thats really really cool !

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