to swallow the night

My friends and I wanted to do one of those haunted tour guides in the royal mile but ended up getting confused because of too many people. The heavy rain showers didn't help either. It was fun looking at all their costumes though. I just wish my hands weren't so shaky by then I could've taken decent photos.

We went to the closest graveyard and scared ourselves to bits. That's how we roll on Halloween.

16 ₪ ø lll ·o.:

Bronzed Humanity said...

These are awesome photos! Love the first shot!

Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun!

Unknown said...

despite the setbacks, im sure you enjoyed halloween!

Ashley Sisk said...

Incredible shots - I love how you captured the night.

Lindsey said...

Is that guy dressed as Chucky from Child's Play?! (if he's not I feel stupid, but seriously creepy costume lol!)

Ali Hval said...

These are such hauntingly cool pictures. Especially that first one, totally loos like some Harry Potter magic is going on haha :D

Anonymous said...

Hi ching :)
Amzaing! I means sometimes those photos taken by shaky hands have another prospect.
Lastly, I love all the photos. :)

Erika said...

I love your pics!
I follow u, follow me? (on my blog and bloglovin <3)


Blonde hair, Blue jeans said...

first pic is so good

Saara said...

what a lovely blog you have! ♥

smokingherlastcigarette said...

i love your blog ..how do you edit your pictures?Its AWESOME!
lemme know .check out my blog :)

Jo said...

Oh my, I got spooked out by that man who looked like a lifesized chucky!

stylefrontier said...

woh looks like a fun night!
love the 1st photo
and that man looks like chucky indeed

style frontier

elys15 said...

omg i love the 1st photo luch! <3 how'd you take it? xD

Aubrey and Melissa said...

This looks fun! Interesting photos.

Bela Monstro said...

Nice pics and post!!

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