candy talks to strangers

They're celebrating pa's birthday and our hometown's fiesta back home, and I'm stuck here not eating all the goodness our kitchen has to offer. Bummer.

On a good note, I will be heading to London soon with friends and I can't wait. I will be getting my tourist on.

24 ₪ ø lll ·o.:

Aki No Yuutsu said...

wow! so colorful!

elys15 said...

LONDON! xD woot~ you're so colorful luch! <3 it!

Nice Salcedo said...

colorful outfit !! :D i love it :))

Unknown said...

first time that i saw you in a extra 'girly' color. nice!

Gosia said...

You look so colorful and optymistic, love it!

Christina said...

So candy-ish Lucy!! Have fun in London!

Mai said...

very bright outfit (:

CMPang x

Alex said...

einfach wow!
die farben sind einfacg grandios!


Rachella - flourishingfit.com said...

the colors of your shirt are sooo cute x

Miky said...

I love this cap! :D

Bye, Miky!

Crosswire Dreamers said...

Your photos are lovely, love your shirt too! x

Down This Road said...

ahh you're too cute!! LOVE it! X

Thu Nguyen said...

I love all these color popping out and all! Very joyful. :)

originalnumber.blogspot.com xo

Caroline said...

Love your jumper, it's so bright and colourful :) Have an amazing time in London! x

Unknown said...


Tasneem said...

I wish I could carry off such bright colors, you look lovely! x

Dandy-Doll said...

Waou, you are so colorful!! i am so pleased to meet a fashion blogger from scotland. I am french and my boyfriend lives in scotland, which i discovered to be a very fashioned country! I love it :)



Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous jumper !

Satin and Souffles said...

Beautiful colors! x

Yasmin; said...

you look lovely :) your blog caught my eye because of the title- i have 'audacity' tattooed on my toes, aha.


Sam said...

You look so pretty, all those colours!

Dreamer. said...

awesome outfit! :D ah, London, post some pics :D

Angie | Pandaphilia.com said...

omg i love this super candy rainbow unicorn pink outfit :) it reminds me of the gold ole days of childhood!

pandaphilia style

daintiness said...

I really like these photos. London was awesome, have fun! (and post photos!)

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