hospital duty

my first week has alterations in the time schedule so we were moved from the morning shift to a 10pm-6am shift.

it aches my heart for me to wake up at 3AM....for the next 2 weeks!
every single day for 3 weeks starting now!
why do i get to be the lucky person who gets the 6AM-2PM shift and be stationed at the farthest hospitals in Cebu? i'm darn lucky that's what i am.

ill be doing my thing on OR/DR at South General Hospital with Mr. Pipino for this week. then next week would be with a different C.I. and a different hospital..

oh how i'm gonna missy my normal sleeping patterns.
i'll either go nuts or have this dark circles under my eyes get any darker..XD
and yeah qist, ill have to redeem my sleep..*grabs blanket*

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