i'm sorry i pointed out your faults

A message that is not intended to be sent to anyone. This is only to let out all the frustrations and at the same time appreciate all that I have.

----, I noticed that i have been pretty bossy to you. I appreciated it that you
told it to my face that I actually am. I would hate it if it went any further.
No wonder I've been feeling a sense of hostility from you whenever we were
together before that time you finally said it to me. Thank you. I'm sorry and
I've definitely learned my lesson. Love you lots .

---------, sometimes your jokes are a little too hurtful maybe coz the jokes are
about me. You might notice that I suddenly become quiet. You wonder why and yet
you never seem to get it. You think you haven't done anything wrong but you did. I worry that your pride will pull us apart. I'm starting to get used to
your sarcasm and jokes now and not let it affect me. If you have problems with
me then say it please. I really enjoy your company, I can talk to you about
anything. I raise an out of this world question and we end up in a debate. I
love arguing silly things with you, it's so much fun. You really brought out the
more argumentative side of me. This might come in handy during debates eh? Love
you .

----, you seem to be the most relaxed out of the whole unch but at the same time
pretty hard-headed. I say right, you say left. I said that it was not on the
script but you insist that it's there when I know very well that it's not there
coz I read that script oh too many times. The time when we were filming our
movie, I was super mad at you for losing your script and not practicing your
lines at all. You had the lead role and you didn't memorize??? A future in
acting is pretty bleak for you. You're sometimes very full of yourself. I'm
sorry if I'm pointing out all your bad stuff. Think of this as an eye-opener.
And if you do find something irritating on me then address it to me as well.
Love you .

------, i'm sorry if i underestimate you at some time. i really can't stand it
when you give out that attitude whenever you are in a hurry to go to your
boyfriend in the middle of a very important project and all. That time when you
came to English class and didn't even bother answering the short quiz when you
very well know that you could still catch up with us, but no, you prefer to sulk
around and drown yourself in pity. I don't want to count your faults coz I know
I sin also. So can you please try not to get your personal life involved in
school? Our course demands so much of us and if you continue with that kind of
attitude I don't know what else to do with you. I'm helping you out so much and
I just hope that you realize it until it all goes down the drain. Well thank
goodness nothing drained yet coz I heard that you passed 2nd year! Yey! I'm so
happy for you. I really pray that you don't scare yourself to death with
thoughts of failng grades. Please do manage to put in your double efforts on our
3rd year. I remembered when we were in Cagayan that your mom and relatives
wanted you to be a doctor and I hear that you also want that for yourself. You
can do anything if you set your mind to it. I believe you can do it. I know
Nikoli going to USA is tragic for you and remember that i'm here for you. Kathy,
Madz, Emma and I are here for you. Cry if you must on our shoulders. i love you

i'm sorry i pointed out your falts, you can point mine out as well.

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