by seeing London

buckingham palace, fountain in front of palace, unidentified building (hehe), palace guards, waiting in the metro, trafalgar square, countdown timer for the Olympics 2012, the big ben and river thames, stranger, tower bridge

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Revival on top said...

Oh I love this city!! Is huge, and amazing just like your photos! Like it xoxo

Annika said...

these photos are beautiful!


Aki No Yuutsu said...

Amazing photos!!! makes me wanna be there!

Rachael said...

Love the photograph of the Thames at night.

Flo said...


Love this so much, perfect! Lovely post, haha

Visit me : www.fantailflo.com

roanjean said...

I looove the photos, Ching!

Cliff Tuna said...

LOVELY PICTURES CHING! Those guys in red riding horse is my favorite, it looks so magical! :D

sugar sugar said...

so beautiful! :) everything looks so amazing!

Rebecca said...

I love London, can't wait to be back for a few days on Thursday (: I love your photo of the stranger by the Thames.

DailyGlamour said...

The place to be !

Jewel said...

Stunning pics!

x Sarah

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