what party?

the cebu doctors' univeristy college of nursing acquaintance party is something i have not looked forward on unless i'm a freshman then i'd be all giddy and excited. but being in my junior year, i think i've lost all will to go to college parties. my friends aren't going so that another reason why. i'm juicing out all the sleeping time i still have on my hands. this is the my most crucial year yet... i've got to focus.

Ok, so kathylynn is being all bratty. Thank goodness, our seats are far apart coz I can't stand her. She gets what she wants by giving out her best reverse psychology trick in the book.

K: "aria ko ninyo beh naa ko dapit may clinic"
me: "hala kuyugan bya unta namo ni madz si jill sa canteen"
K: "aw sige oi, ayaw lang gud mu ug ari"

grrrr... this is battle!


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