gee, the hair and birthday cake on TOPS

Yesterday was one of the best days ever! It's amazing how many cool things can happen to you in a span of 24 hours.

And here's why:

  • i got my hair relaxed so the hair is now an A+ (no more worries!)
  • i got the KILIG coz there are photos of Gerard Way on the internet photographed by Rob Bennett from the New York Times. NY Times is doing an article about musicians making a cross-over from music to comics.. the feeling is back all over again.. Yes, it's back! These photos are a lot different coz it's only him in it..No one else except for Gee and his cigar pack and coffee. I'm so on a high right now.

here's samples of the NY Times photo shoot:

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he is total eye candy on each shots. He could model and he should! LOL

Moving on...

  • it was Phatty's birthday debut yesterday. She's now 18 and a lot of the Original 4th Years were invited to the party. Food, food, food! Let me tell you about the cake: It's a cake stairway to heaven. It was so high and since we were such good friends I had the guts to ask one layer of cake from her. I seeked and I received!

  • after the debut, my friends started talking about going to TOPS, it's this place on a hill where there's a great view of the city lights at night. Bryll has his van and we were off. We were like sardines crammed into each other inside the car. All 20 of us fit miraculously in the van with 3 other persons holding different layers of cake. There was a guitar too so instead of lamenting on how tight we were all in the van, we sang to our heart's content. No drinking here. We know the consequences of a drink-and-drive situation. We were careful. None of us planned this to happen but it was so worth it. None of us got icings on the Bryll's car though except for what Jhumar did. LMAO

  • We finally got to TOPS hill. It was so beautiful. Everything was so small from way up there. It's like I could grab those tiny little night with the palm of my hands and never let them go. We were watching the city lights from above and the fresh air was all we needed to clear our heads and gathered up to start story telling, joking, goofing off and "psycho"-ing each other out (Jhumar started it!).

I got home at 2 in the morning. It took me that long to go home because Bryll had to drop everyone off at their houses (yes, all 20 of us!). It was still so fun though.

Thanks Bryll for the ride, sorry about what Jhumar did to you car, you know about the icing thing. hehe

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