r.i.p. cory

Tied a yellow ribbon on our nangka tree.

Pres. Cory Aquino Pictures, Images and Photos

It was an Aug. 1. and i was at school receiving a text message from a friend when that happened. On the evening of that day, we had to go to a party. It was there they shot out 8 consecutive canon blows on 5:00pm. Those shots and us being silently sympathetic of a nation's loss was evident.

Goodbye dear Pres. Cort Aquino, after watching that wake and funeral, even if it's just on live feed, it was simply moving and spectacular to see that we're united after what an Asian democratic leader has done to have all of us one again. And now in the midst of her death, i know that there's that wee bit of hope that bounds us one.


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